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I am an amateur writer, I love to blog and connect with people online. If I could my whole day would be spent just writing.

Friday, November 20, 2009

New moon quotes

Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/33369864@N07/

Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/33369864@N07/

I couldn't be a bigger fan of the books twilight, new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn. In twilight, it's all a love story; you can't get more of a girly book than that.

Some of the new moon quotes are crazy, like when Edward decides to leave Bella. He says some pretty crazy and sad things. And in eclipse has some really good imagination going on and breaking dawn is just exciting all around.

These books are so great. You cry, you laugh and you can get scared too. One time my friend was reading twilight and it got to a scary part, and she had to close the book because she got to scared. It was pretty funny.

Those books can be interesting. But the sad things about the books are they get your hopes up. For example if a girl read s them and she doesn't have a boyfriend she would get so depressed.

It's hard for some women to see other girls so happy with things that they don't have. It's a girl thing, it's kind of pathetic but that's how insecure girls are. Edward is just the perfect dream guy and every girl just always dreams of some guy like that. Great looking, gentlemen and caring and he can love unconditionally. You don't come across those kinds of guys often, and if you do, there probably already taken.

The fun things about the books are that they create such emotion and imagination. There a great book to grab when you're bored. I love it!

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