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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Walmart of Weed - weGrow facility expanding as a business

The California “Walmart of weed,” weGrow, is planning on opening a second location. Though several individuals who shop in these shops use the products to grow cannabis, the store itself does not sell marijuana. The so-called "Walmart of weed" offers hydroponic supplies, growing classes and other gardening support.

WeGrow is the Walmart of weed

iGrow was what WeGrow shops were initially named in Sacramento. Hydroponic growing is the purpose of these. The shops are very careful to not specifically call themselves the “Walmart of Weed” or mention marijuana directly, because growing weed is nevertheless a federal crime. However, the shops offer classes on hydroponic growing, fertilizers, equipment and a variety of other products targeted toward medical cannabis patients in a 10,000 square foot warehouse.

WeGrow growing

The business hopes to become well-known nationwide soon after the first step in California for weGrow stores. The plan is to put shops in all states that have medical marijuana laws including putting more in California. This involves Arizona, Colorado, New Jersey and Oregon. The "Walmart of Weed" does not actually sell any medical marijuana which is left to the independent dispensaries to do. The established shops are there and ready for when marijuana becomes legalized. They’ll then sell the stuff themselves. The business limits the legal problems with business shops instead of having them all business owned.

Marijuana and legal troubles

Medical weed in the United States is in a tough in-between status. Even though the federal government is not doing much about this, weed is nevertheless a Schedule 1 illegal drug. The federal government regulates this list of drugs with weed on it including heroin, GHB, ecstasy, peyote and others. Despite this, several states have passed laws that allow legal medical cannabis use. Medical marijuana is in a place that nobody knows how to proceed with. The federal government could put business owners in jail that are getting licenses from the state to operate and are paying sales taxes on it all. WeGrow offers only growing equipment; for instance hydroponic stuff because of this.


Seattle Times


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