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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hamid Karzai admits taking totes of money from Iran

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has been called a “puppet president” by some and head of a corrupt regime by others. Now he tells – however does not shock – the collective world media that he has been receiving “bags of cash” from Iran and the United States for years. Some sources suggest that this anticlimactic revelation begs the question of whether Iran and also the United States of America are getting what they paid for.

Cash taken for ‘official presidential expenses’ by Karzai

Once or twice a year, “donation” are given to Hamid Karzai from Iran. These gifts are usually $700,000 to $975,000. Karzai said that the U.S. government has known about this Iranian assistance for many years and that Washington also sends the Afghan palace “bags of cash.”. Iran had been providing Umar Daudzai cash, reports the New York Times, which is why numerous think Karzai may have made this announcement. The money has allegedly been used to pay back Afghan lawmakers, tribal elders and high-ranking Taliban officials.

Karzai usually takes money from ’several nations’ because his office is lacking in income

The CIA World Factbook explains that Afghanistan’s economy had been really bad for a when. Then the Taliban regime in 2001 fell which helped. The country is “highly dependent on foreign aid, agriculture and trade with neighboring nations.” This is even after all the international assistance being given as aid. This is supposedly true although opium and hashish product comes from Afghanistan more than anywhere else within the world. A lot of money comes from the opium and other illegal drug trade which is why Karzai would not be that interested in stopping it. This has the Obama administration frustrated with the country.

The public in Afghanistan shows Karzai as an ineffective ruler Today’s Views explains. This isn’t because of the common beliefs that many would think, Wikipedia states. Numerous poor farmers are being forced to get into trading drugs since poppies are the nation’s number one cash crop and also the economy in Afghanistan is mostly agriculture based upon. The farmers don’t end up getting much money out of it either. Since other countries are feeding Karzai so much cash, this makes sense. Hamid Karzai probably is just taking it.


Associated Press


The Odora


Today’s Views




The U.S. “double game”


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