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I am an amateur writer, I love to blog and connect with people online. If I could my whole day would be spent just writing.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Doctors without Borders

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Quietly and unceremoniously, they go about their work changing people’s lives. One by one, they give hope to children and adults around the world. Now that the alarm has been sounded for quake ravaged Haiti, they are responding again.

They are doctors without borders

Supported by dedicated nurses and supported with medicines, equipment and supplies from donations around the world, they are off once again into. They will be flying into a dangerous and desperate situation. They will be working in anything but an ideal environment. They will probably work exhaustively from the moment they touch down until they reluctantly are forced to leave. Many will leave behind lucrative practices and work that will come as a real financial sacrifice in addition to the emotional and physical sacrifices that they will also be making.

Members of DWB die in their efforts to help others

They fly, boat and hike into remote areas to deliver medical services and health screening to people and villages that rarely benefit from modern medicine and technology. They truly change lives and save lives. Quietly and efficiently, they make a real difference in the world. Now they will be making a difference in Haiti. Let’s wish them good luck and safe passage.

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