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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

MacGruber trailer | Next SNL skit-to-film project

MacGruber trailer is very revealing

MacGruber trailer

Will Forte, aka MacGruber, image from Wikimedia Commons.

Most of the time, when the powers that be decide to turn a Saturday Night Live skit series into a feature-length film, I cringe a little bit. Though the MacGruber trailer is pretty funny and makes it appear as though the movie actually does have a plot, I still have my doubts.

The MacGruber trailer plays out like a run-of-the-mill action film trailer with flashes of SNL-style comedy. Here at personal money store, we try to be family friendly for the sake of customers who are just looking for a no fax cash advance, but if you want to see Will Forte as MacGruber, the unclothed version, check out the MacGruber trailer at moviefone.com.

Details on MacGruber

The film, which so far is simply titled “MacGruber,” is co-written by MacGruber himself, actor Will Forte. Forte’s previous writing credits are mostly comedy sketches, which brings me to my concerns about “MacGruber” the movie. While the concept behind the MacGyver parody is mildly funny, the MacGruber skits never have a plot of more than 30 seconds.

Furthermore, the common theme in all of the MacGruber sketches on SNL is that all of the characters end up getting blown up at the end. While this is somewhat comical in a 30-second skit, I don’t think audiences will appreciate it after sitting through a 90-minute, or longer, movie. However, hardcore fans of the MacGruber SNL skit might argue that it goes against the spirit of MacGruber if everyone dies at the end. … click here to read the rest of the article titled “MacGruber trailer | Next SNL skit-to-film project

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