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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Getting college loans

What about them

It can be hard to sent your child to school and feel like you must pay for everything. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen very easily. Finding the money to pay for your child's education can be really hard. Luckily, there is a system available that can help you.

What's different between subsidized and unsubsidized.

Your child will be better off with subsidized loans. The loans don't accumulate any interest until your kids are don't with school. They are financial based loans meaning they can be tricky to get sometimes. Your child won't need to pay interest because the government will for them until they’re out of college. The bad part is the fact they can be difficult to get. Subsidized loans won't be offered to your children unless you make a small amount of money. This is why you need to help your children by saving and helping them find a job.

Paying off subsidized loans

When given subsidized loans your children should pay them while still in college. After college it will have helped a lot for them to make small payments every month.

Hot to pay off unsubsidized

Your unsubsidized loans need to be close to subsidized. The interest that accumulates each month should be the minimum payment made. It is very important make these payments in order to keep the loan down. If you don't pay the interest then the interest and total will increase. Pay more than just the interest each month if possible.

How to pay it off

Try to build your credit while paying off your loans. Maybe you could get a credit card to start with. It could be good to pay to your loan what you might normally pay with your credit card. You need to make sure and pay this off your credit card quickly. Making major purchases is easier with good credit. Later on your children will be better prepared to buy houses and cars.

Where to get the loans

I believe it is best to get loans through the school loan program. By doing this you will get better interest rates. With other companies and banks your interest rate will accumulate your debt to more than you can handle. Help your children understand this concept. If you want them to be successful financially, they must know what to do with credit cards and loans.

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