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I am an amateur writer, I love to blog and connect with people online. If I could my whole day would be spent just writing.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

You are able to Quit Smoking and Save Money

I Made it Worse

I regret the day I first lit up the stick of death years ago. I wanted to be a man. It felt good to accept their invitation and step into the world of men. Smoking that first cigarette sent a warm feeling through my body. While walking home that evening, I had a sense of achievement. I felt that I became a strong man just as all my friends were. Little did I know that I would waste a huge number of money on medical bills and cigarettes. Never start smoking once you read this story.

It Was an Addiction

I lit up initially when I was just 16. As smoking was a fad widely promoted in those times, life was pretty easy. In this time, companies were not required to place warnings on the cigarette packages. It was my routine to have an occasional puff until I entered the big bad world. It did not take long at all for me to become hooked on these intoxicating sticks of death. Cigarettes were cheap in those days, as I worked in the Middle East. Per pack of the most popular American brand cost about a dollar back then. For two years, I smoked around 20 cigarettes per day, which works out to roughly $ 800.

Going Forward

A difference of scenery came right after and I began having more tense roles in my job. As a result of my increased dependence on cigarettes, I became addicted. My habit increased to 100 cigs per day. I continued with the habit for 17 years, never for a moment thinking that I was spending $ 5.50 a day. Those cigarettes added up to an impressive $ 34,127.50 all those years! Is it possible that I could have saved that money instead?

Wasted Cash

The smokes began taking their toll after many years of making my body their home. They’d clogged my lungs and hardened my arteries. It took two angioplasties done to keep me alive after a series of strokes. It took $ 10,000 to pay for these procedures.

Hard Math

If I made an total calculation beginning with the day I first lit up, I probably spent about $ 40,000 on smoking alone. Though I could have saved $ 50,000 by not smoking, I wasted it because I wanted to feel like a man! What if this were your fate? Saving money will be one of the best benefits when you quit smoking.

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