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I am an amateur writer, I love to blog and connect with people online. If I could my whole day would be spent just writing.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The rareness of certain objects makes them very valuable, does it not?

When something is extremely rare, we place a lot of value on it. So, since I am the only me there is, then I am rare, right? That means that I am very valuable since I am the only one of my kind. I suppose I probably share a lot of similarities with a lot of different people, but no one on earth is exactly like me in every single way. I wonder if there is anyone out there who is almost exactly like me and only different in a few simple ways.

That would be weird, especially if we met each other on the street one day. I wonder if we would notice that we are so much alike. I think that too often we assume that others are more different from us than similar. We focus in on the differences and don’t take enough time to notice all the similarities. I wonder if we would get along with each other, this almost-me and me. You always hear stories about people who are a lot alike that don’t get along very well.

I suppose that there are some people who are a lot alike that get along just fine. I guess us getting along would depend on the ways that we differ from each other. And it is difficult to say which differences would allow us to get along, because it would depend on how we are feeling at the time and what the weather is like.

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